
Big 12 Opponents: Utes offense Gathering “Enemy Intel”, Challenge of Encountering New Teams With New Recruits

There will be a handful of new teams for Utah this year starting with Oklahoma State

The Utes are gearing up for their first season in the Big 12 with a championship mindset, determined to make a significant impact. To achieve their goal of national recognition, Utah must first tackle the challenges of entering this expanded conference, which involves facing unfamiliar teams with new coaches and players, all while striving for their first playoff appearance.

Utah’s offensive coordinator, Andy Ludwig, recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities that come with joining a new conference. After spending a decade familiar with Western programs, he understands that preparing for unknown opponents adds a new dimension to their planning.

“For the first time in my career, we spent February studying Big 12 teams that we didn’t know anything about,” Ludwig said. “In June, we dug deeper into those opponents to ensure that by weeks seven or eight, we’re not caught off guard by a defensive structure we’ve never seen.”

Ludwig emphasizes the need for thorough preparation. While they may not have complete game plans for every opponent, grasping the basic defensive schemes and identities of these new teams is essential.

“We want to understand their fundamental defensive philosophies and what they’re trying to accomplish on that side of the ball,” Ludwig explained.

During his preparations, one particular defensive structure caught Ludwig’s attention: the three-down, three-safety alignment, which is prevalent in the Big 12 but less common in the Pac-12, SEC, or Big Ten.

“This is a defensive setup we didn’t encounter in the Pac-12, and I’m not sure we saw it in the SEC or Big Ten. It’s a common sight in the Big 12,” Ludwig pointed out.

While some Big 12 teams are shifting away from this structure due to changes in coaching staff, understanding it remains crucial.

“Spending time on this was beneficial, as it involves specific terminology and identification. While we might not have all the answers yet, we won’t be caught off guard. We have a solid understanding of what to anticipate when game week arrives,” he said.

As Utah gets ready for its inaugural Big 12 season, the team is focused on adapting to new challenges and seizing fresh opportunities. With thorough preparation, they are set to confidently navigate their new conference landscape with ambition.

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