
“HUGE BOOST” Georgia Lands Key Semi-Surprisingly-Timed Commitment From a Fascinating Prospect

At Santa Margarita Catholic, the Eagles have adopted a fitting team acronym: DAWG.

Although they are known as the Eagles, the team ends their meetings with a chant of “3-2-1, Dawgs!” before every pre- or post-practice huddle. This acronym holds significance for the high school program where Georgia’s newest commit, Jayden-Jamal Hanne, has been playing since 2022:

  • Desire to achieve greatness
  • Attention to detail
  • Willpower to persevere
  • Gang…we over me

These principles have been integral to Hanne’s football journey since he began playing as a sophomore after moving from Berlin to California. His high school football coach, Anthony Rouzier, believes that no one embodies the DAWG mentality quite like Hanne.

“It’s a unique story that a European guy from California, who plays for the Eagles, chants ‘Dawgs!’ and ends up at Georgia,” Rouzier told Dawgs247. “You have a German kid from California going to Georgia. It’s not an experience for everyone, especially not for a California kid or someone from Europe. But it’s definitely the right choice for him.”

Rouzier, along with Hanne and Brandon Collier, who played an important role in Hanne’s international transition, spoke with Dawgs247 about the contributions Hanne will bring to Georgia.

Intangibles: Natural Leader

Rouzier: “He’s the most natural leader I’ve ever had in my program. What stands out about him is that he’s a genuinely great person with an exceptional work ethic. Those qualities are definitely what excite Georgia. I recently visited Georgia for the first time and mainly spent time with Coach Scott and several other coaches. They focus heavily on mentality, and JJ embodies that mindset. He’s dedicated to the task at hand and knows when to step up as a leader. In the past, he was selective about when to lead, but he’s very smart about it. He won’t come in on day one ordering everyone around; he encourages his teammates instead. At a recent camp, the environment was incredibly supportive, with coaches encouraging one another. That’s what JJ understands, and it’s a natural part of who he is. If called upon, he’ll rise to the occasion. From a character standpoint, he’s exceptional—truly one of the best.”

Collier: “He’s a kid from Berlin, Germany, with a Nigerian father and a German mother. He’s quite humble and just started playing football a few years ago. I met him when he was 13, just about to begin—he started with soccer before switching to football and moving to California. He’s a hardworking kid with high character. The team will be getting someone whose football skills are rapidly improving; he’s light years ahead of where he was last year. He’s already a team captain at one of California’s top high schools and a tremendous leader. He works incredibly hard, and once people get to know him, he will undoubtedly become an excellent player.”

More Rouzier: “It’s going to be a challenge, but he’s ready to embrace it. He’s not worried about who else commits; he focuses on what he can control and believes in his environment. He’s a great kid, and I could not be happier.”

Athleticism: 6-foot-5, 280 pounds and Ready to be Molded

Rouzier: “He’s naturally bigger than one might expect; you wouldn’t guess he’s 280 pounds, which is exciting because he still has significant strength to develop. He’s not quite at his peak weight room strength yet, which is positive because he has a lot of potential for growth. He made tremendous progress this spring and continues to improve due to his hard work and coachability.”

More Rouzier: “In May, he showed how he works. Not many players of his size can move as fluidly as he does. He has a unique ability to rotate his shoulders while keeping his hips aimed at the target. JJ can pivot and throw powerfully. Coach Scott appreciates big guys with functional movement, and they were impressed by his work ethic and eagerness to improve. Last year, he looked like a developmental prospect, but this spring, he made significant strides.”

Position Fit: Limitless Versatility

Rouzier: “What they mentioned to us is that they’re looking for someone with position versatility. They want a player who can fill roles at 3, 4i, 5, 7, and even crash 9 against a heavier formation. When they discussed him playing as an end and at 9 in certain scenarios, I found that really intriguing. Kirby Smart really knows what he’s talking about. Coach Scott has a strong track record of identifying and developing talent. They’ve mentioned various alignments like 3, 5, 7, and 9, as well as head-up 4 techniques. As a football enthusiast, I was thrilled to hear Coach Scott explain how they plan to utilize him across different packages. It was exciting to see the position coach’s ability to break down the bigger picture into actionable strategies for his players.”

Hanne: “They view me as a versatile end and want me to take on a variety of roles. We reviewed some film on Thursday, looking at my camp footage from May, and then comparing it with Georgia players. Coach Scott taught me a lot during that session.”

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